Monday, February 27, 2012

Of Wardrobes and Personal Style.

     I happen to care quite much about personal appearance. I believe in the fact that first impressions make a lasting impact.  Being aware of personal appearance is something that I have always carried in me but my style has not always portrayed the fact that I do pay a lot of attention to dressing up. I tend to have all the good ideas about personal style but come dressing myself up in the morning, I kind of rush into things and end up dressed awfully. I thereafter spend the rest of day regretting how my pants are hanging two inches away from my beat-up shoes that I slipped in just because they are the closest to the door on my way out. Then I realize that my shirt and pants are at loggerhead with each other like the Bosnian  Serbs and Croats in the early 90s.  I gaze up and find myself gawking and swooning at  the well-put-together street people and colleagues all day. I eventually retire to my humble closet dejected, another fabulous day wasted. And I wonder to myself what an awful day. I look forward to a new day. A new day that will give me the chance to improve and dress myself well enough to make myself comfortable and confident. I carry the hope of  the day and age that will come when I will be finally start to put together outfits that makes me happy. This cycle has been on going most of my life.
    About two years ago, I started working with a stylish young lady, see her blog here. . I learned a lot from her about style. Learning was easy because I have always had a lot of interest. Through her I learned that it can be done on a daily basis. I also discovered a new world of bloggers. Who knew that there about15 million style bloggers in the web who are more than willing to show you how they shop, put together  wardrobes and even give away nice things.!!!!
well for the two years, I have been an apprentice, I can now see a glimmer of style in me! Its a terrific feeling. Dressing up well is important to me because it gives me solidity and strengthens my gait as I walk the walk and talk the talk. Mine has never been about  trends nor seeking attention and it will be never be. I just like to feel stylish in a very personal way and its total bliss and I tread in style.
Thanks to my stylish colleague and all the stylish bloggers out there!
What is your style and how do you approach it?