Thursday, November 17, 2011

Support Neurodiversity.

I saw a bumper sticker that read SUPPORT NEURODIVERISY. what is that? you would ask,Wikipedia say this ;
Neurodiversity is an idea which asserts that atypical (neurodivergent) neurological development is a normal difference that is to be recognized and respected as any other biological variation.[1] Differences may arise in ways of processing information, including language, sound, images, light, texture, taste, or movement. -

That got me thinking how important it is to accept different personalities, temperaments and cognition. I believe that once a person is able to deal with all types and especially challenging characteristics, without losing their cool, then life becomes easier whereever you go. I  tend to get impatient with people who ask silly questions that don't take much to figure out. I am learning to accomodate such slowly but surely. There are those other people who are so puffed up and think they know it all and are quick to open their mouths only to let nonsence out. I am also learning to accomodate those.
So how do i accomplish this? Simple, by remembering that there is diversity in Neuro sense!  Please join in in this cause!

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